Visiting Restrictions
Visiting Restrictions
COVID-19 is a novel virus that poses an unprecedented threat to our patients, especially those who are elderly, have underlying medical conditions or have compromised immune systems. Because of the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak in New Jersey, and the United States, our visitor policy is continually updated and will be strictly enforced.
General Information
- All visitors must be 13 years of age or older (except for exceptions approved by the care team).
- All visitors must follow requirements on masking, symptom screening and other precautions. Failure to comply with this requirement could result in loss of visiting privileges.
- (UPDATED 2/1/24): For COVID-19 Positive/Person Under Investigation (PUI) one (1) visitor will be permitted with proper PPE and ability to maintain physical distance for 2 hours. Failure to comply could result in loss of visiting privileges.
- No visitors are allowed for those who are immunocompromised, except for circumstances approved by the care team.
- No support person under self-quarantine is permitted to visit.
- Visitors will be asked to stay in the patient room for the duration of their visit. The use of waiting rooms will be strongly discouraged. In the event a visitor is asked to leave while care is provided, they will be directed to a designated area for the unit.
The front desk will call the charge nurse to confirm if the patient is COVID positive or has COVID symptoms.
5 East & 6 East Patient Units
- Visiting hours are 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
- Two visitors are allowed per patient.
Critical Care Unit
- Visiting hours are 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
- Two visitors are allowed per patient.
- Clergy will be allowed to visit a patient upon the patient’s request. The front desk will call the charge nurse to confirm that the patient has requested the visit.
- Patients who are on hospice or at the end of life may have four visitors that are unrestricted in the time they are allowed to stay with the patient.
- One primary caregiver will be allowed to stay with the patient for longer duration.
Maternity/Postpartum Unit
- Visiting hours are 10:00 a.m. – 8:00p.m.
- Two visitors are allowed per patient.
- It will be requested of these visitors to minimize travel to and from the unit and to stay in the patient’s room while here.
Labor & Delivery Unit
- Designated coach/doula: Two designated coaches/ doula will be allowed for duration of birthparent’s stay with issued wristband. They will be allowed to leave the unit, come back with re-screening and cannot be interchanged.
Outpatient Units
- Patients with disabilities due to altered mental status, intellectual or cognitive disability, communication barriers, or behavioral concerns can have ONE designated support person visit.
- A designated support person can be: a family member, a personal care assistant or another disability service clinician knowledgeable about the patient’s care.
- A person who lives out of the area and accompanies the patient for a test of procedure will be allowed to wait in a designated waiting area.
- Both parents/guardians are permitted to accompany the pediatric patient.
Emergency Department
- One designated visitor per patient is allowed.
- Pediatric patients: Two parents or guardians may visit at the same time for the duration of the stay.
Psychiatric Medical Care Unit (6 West)
- Permission to visit is granted at discretion of care team, including time and duration of visit
Surgery / Procedure Departments
- Provided social distancing can be accomplished, one visitor until patient is taken into prep.
- One visitor when patient is in recovery and preparing for discharge for instructions and education.
SpecialtyUnits (EIP, Renal, IM Continuity Clinic)
- Medical appointments are for out-patients only. There is limited space and social distancing is essential in the waiting area.
- Exceptions may apply to pediatrics, labor and delivery, end of life, and patients with intellectual, developmental or cognitive impairment including dementia, communication barriers or behavioral concerns
Note: For COVID patients, visitors could facetime with video call and/or personal phone.
Under unusual circumstances, consult Manager during regular hours and HUB during off hours
Please note: Patients could remain COVID positive for extended period of time. Isolation will be discontinued and visitor allowed based on individual assessment from the care team and/or Infectious Disease criteria based on current CDC guidelines.