Patient Safety & Security
Your safety is one of our most important goals. To help keep you and your visitors safe, St. Mary’s has a Security Team fully trained to handle any emergency situation. Security Officers can be found throughout the building and also at security posts located in the main lobby, by the employee entrance and in the Emergency Department waiting and treatment areas. The Security Office is located on the first floor of the main Hospital building, between the Reception Desk and Cashier’s Office. A Security Officer can be reached day or night, seven days a week, by picking up any Hospital phone and dialing Ext. 4444.
Patient Information
At St. Mary’s General Hospital we recognize the need to maintain patient and other information in a confidential manner. For this reason any friends or family members that may call the Patient Information Desk will only be given your admission status and the telephone number for your room. Please be advised that you have the right to determine the information the hospital may release about you. The Patient Information Desk may be reached at 973-365-4517.
Wrist Identification Bands
The wrist identification band you received upon admission should not be removed at any time during your stay. It provides positive identification of you to all those who serve you and is a safeguard for your protection.
No Smoking
As a smoke-free facility, St. Mary’s General Hospital strictly prohibits smoking any where on the hospital campus. As your healthcare clinician, we are encouraging a healthy lifestyle. If you need help quitting, you can contact 1-866-NJ-STOPS or visit, or speak to your nurse or physician.
Lost and Found Items
If you lose something, please notify your nurse right away and he/she will fill out an incident report and make every effort to help you find it. To inquire about a lost article once you have been discharged please call Security at 973-365-4444.
Fire Drills
Periodically the hospital conducts fire drills in compliance with local fire safety laws and hospital accreditation standards. Your nurse will keep you informed. We request that you please remain calm and stay where you are, unless told to do otherwise by the hospital staff.
Featured Services

Cardiac Services

Cancer Care

Maternal-Child Health

Medical Imaging

Mental Health